Updated: Sep 10, 2021
An inspiring event last week thanks to Walker Andersen and hosted at Moore Stephens' in Perth's CBD, I had the honour of being invited as a keynote speaker with fellow Female Leaders in Business.

The night held opportunities to network with fellow female leaders from chartered and commercial accounting backgrounds with discussions around leadership in their own specific fields.
What I learnt and taking away from this event
The Perth business community is full of inspirational women, while we all come from very different backgrounds and have taken different paths we are all now leaders in our respective fields.
A number of obstacles may stand in your way but with resilience and focus you can achieve anything. I would strongly encourage anyone wanting to be a leader in business, or any field, to set up the right support network. It is most certainly possible to have both a career and a family, however you need the right support network to make it happen.
Work with the right people and make sure they are encouraging you to shoot for the stars, we sometimes need a gentle or perhaps not so gentle shove to help us see what we are truly capable of.
As with most areas in life good communication is key to working with people whether it be in your career or personal life.
Have faith in your abilities, most people are more resilient than they give themselves credit for. Next time an opportunity arises grab it with both hands, you don't need to have all the answers at the beginning.
The following Keynote Speakers pictured from the night as follows:
Melissa Humann - PPB Advisory
Leanne Oliver - Byfields Business Advisers
Mary-Anne Stephens - Autism WA
Martina Crowley - Deloitte
Danielle Newport - ACTIV
Wendy Davies - Moore Stephens